Hello City'zens, the Friends Of City @ F.O.C. stands for as the name suggest we are all friends of this city and we offer our services to the needy and deserving almost free of cost i.e. F.O.C.
To give a brief introduction, we are a group of individuals based at Ahmedabad having different occupation who have come together to give our services in form of cash and kind to the needy and derserving city'zens of this city so that they have a sense of belonging to this city. The 'Friends Of City' is formed as a group engaged in not for profit activities. We are of the view that every individual should spare atleast Re.1/- per day for charity activites. That comes to a meagre Rs.365/- per year. This may be a smaller amount for many individuals out here but it can definitely make a lot of difference to the person who needs money for payings his children's fees, the one who need money for buying his/her basic necessities. So we appeal to every one that, be a friend to a needy. A smile which you can bring is thousand blessings for you. We will shortly list the activities the group has carried out after its formation.